Testing on Mobile
On December 9th we presented at one of the meetups organised by the Mobel user group. Topic of the evening was ‘Testing on Mobile’ and of course we just couldn’t resist the call for speakers ;).
Testing has become an important pillar in AppFoundry’s mobile software factory. We’ve learned some important lessons and best practices and are always happy to share!
For both speakers, Filip and Joris, code testing is a very important topic as it is rigorously applied at VRT, one of our current customers.

Joris works as an iOS consultant at AppFoundry. After his graduation he started learning Objective-C and quickly became familiar with the do’s and don’ts. During the development of several applications at VRT he felt the need of unit testing. Now, 2 years later, testing code has become a daily thing and he feels it’s the right time to convince others to do so. Besides work, he likes to hang out with friends on Teamspeak and play some good games.
Filip is lead Android developer at AppFoundry. He likes clean code, tests, the occasional dash of TDD and finding out how to apply the best practices and principles of the Software Craftsmanship movement to Android.
During the presentation Joris discussed testing on iOS and explained some good testing patterns and libraries. Filip showed us how the Android team has improved the testing story for Android during the years, but also how the Android testing framework can be complemented with several other tools and libraries to help us build better quality applications.
We had a blast sharing with you guys and hope you enjoyed it!
Here’s all the materials:
- Slides: testing on iOS
- Slides: testing on Android
- Code: AppFoundry GitHub
- Event pictures